What Do You Personalize?

I love personalized items. My son has a unique name, so anytime I can do a custom personalization for him, I do it! That way he can have a shirt with his name on it or some other personalized item that I can’t readily purchase off the shelf in a store. I also love . . . → Read More: What Do You Personalize?

Let Elomi Elevate Your Enormous Bosom

I’ve always had an ample bosom. That’s not entirely true–I still feel the sting of hurt from eighth grade math class when AJ slid a calculator across the table and it said “BOOBLESS.” I sure showed

Look at this bra, holding up her ample bosom. You, too, could enjoy such support for YOUR . . . → Read More: Let Elomi Elevate Your Enormous Bosom

Hands-Free Bra Makes Pumping Better

Let’s be realistic. Pumping milk from your breasts is never going to be awesome. It just isn’t. But! I was finally convinced (5 years into my nursing journey) to buy a hands-free pumping bra and lo! It does make things better. 

I hesitated so long because I didn’t understand the logistics of the bra. . . . → Read More: Hands-Free Bra Makes Pumping Better

Dynashape Nursing Tank: A New Love Affair

I’ve been gushing about the Glamourmom Full Bust nursing tank for a long time. Almost 3 years, in fact, as I have lived in them since late pregnancy with my second son. I see we now carry it in pink, which is so exciting.

But! When I was shopping for a nursing dress to . . . → Read More: Dynashape Nursing Tank: A New Love Affair

Book Review: Parenting in the Present Moment

I knew I wanted to review Parenting in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters, by Carla Naumburg, PhD, when I saw the Orange Rhino had endorsed it! (I’ve been reading a lot of Orange Rhino in an attempt to yell less…at my kids and just generally.) 

This is a well-timed book for . . . → Read More: Book Review: Parenting in the Present Moment

Nursing-Friendly Wedding Attire

At just six weeks postpartum, I felt anxious about attending my husband’s brother’s wedding. What would I find to wear that flattered my changing body? When would I find time to shop for such a dress? Would it even be possible to find something that worked both for nursing and figure-flattering?

I made . . . → Read More: Nursing-Friendly Wedding Attire

Chewable Jewelry for Kids with Sensory Needs

For a long time, my son walked around wearing wet shirts with droopy, baggy sleeves. His collar was always in his mouth, unless he had a shirt sleeve in there. Once his shirt was soaked through, he’d seek out other things to stick in his mouth: coins, craft sticks at school, rocks even.

Our . . . → Read More: Chewable Jewelry for Kids with Sensory Needs