Local Support Is Essential For Any New Mom

If you decide to breast or bottle feed, work or stay home, or a combo of everything- You need a support system that understand you and can help when you have questions.

Two places that you can check out for a group local to you are La Leche League International or MOPS.

La . . . → Read More: Local Support Is Essential For Any New Mom

Tantrums, Fussing, and Whinning…Oh My!

If you ask parents to list the most frustrating discipline problems during early childhood, you would find that these three items appear on every list. All children master their own version of these behaviors – every parent has to deal with them!

Controlling their emotions Most often these behaviors are caused by a child’s . . . → Read More: Tantrums, Fussing, and Whinning…Oh My!

Does Night Nursing Cause Tooth Decay?

We know that until recently, medical students (even pediatricians!) were not studying lactation very regularly. This results in many physicians lacking accurate, evidence-based information about breastfeeding. The same can be true for dentists. 

Many, many mothers are told that night nursing is the same as bottle propping, that night nursing can lead to tooth decay . . . → Read More: Does Night Nursing Cause Tooth Decay?

Poop Watch

Did you ever think you’d talk so much about poop before having kids? I had no idea I’d care about poop, let alone text my husband regular updates about the bowel situation of my kids.

When my breastfed babies were newborns, we learned so much about poop: color, consistency, frequency.

We’d have dinner with . . . → Read More: Poop Watch

Stocking Stuffers for Baby?

When my first son was a baby, I really didn’t buy him much for Christmas. I mean, he was a baby, and he got a river of gifts from his relatives…

By the time I had more kids, my older kids grew very concerned that their younger brothers should have gifts to open, too. . . . → Read More: Stocking Stuffers for Baby?

Beautiful Bras for Really, Really Big Breasts

Our boutique prides itself on carrying beautiful bras for all breasts. 

We’ve got lovely options (options!) for women with a small band size and large cup…large as in I or L cup breasts. L for large!

We get messages from loyal Elomi fans–while this bra doesn’t have lace or pretty pink trimmings, it’s got an underwire, . . . → Read More: Beautiful Bras for Really, Really Big Breasts

Put a Little Windex On It: Breastmilk As Magic Elixir?

“Just put a little Windex on it,” is my very favorite running gag throughout the movie My Big, Fat Greek Wedding. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately not only because the trailer was just released for the sequel, but also because I hear so many breastfeeding mothers say, “Just put a little breastmilk on . . . → Read More: Put a Little Windex On It: Breastmilk As Magic Elixir?