Tantrums, Fussing, and Whinning…Oh My!

If you ask parents to list the most frustrating discipline problems during early childhood, you would find that these three items appear on every list. All children master their own version of these behaviors – every parent has to deal with them!

Controlling their emotions Most often these behaviors are caused by a child’s . . . → Read More: Tantrums, Fussing, and Whinning…Oh My!

Making Space for Romance with Young Babies at Home

Strangers sometimes ask me when I’m going to have another baby, because strangers ask inappropriate questions like this all the time. I usually laugh at them, because who has time to conceive another baby with 3 young kids at home?

See that picture over there? We’re years away from enjoying that. Two years ago, . . . → Read More: Making Space for Romance with Young Babies at Home

Nursing On the Go with Older Siblings in Tow

When my second son was born, a wise mama friend told me I’d soon become an expert at nursing while standing. She was right.

I had no idea how challenging it could be to take multiple kids out in public at the same time. This challenge is magnified when one of the kids has . . . → Read More: Nursing On the Go with Older Siblings in Tow

Parenting Epiphanies

I’ve had several life-changing epiphanies since becoming a parent. Is epiphany the right word? What happened was I observed other moms doing these things and then I copied these women and found out the strategy worked so well in my family, I had to implement it into my daily life.

The first: I tried attending . . . → Read More: Parenting Epiphanies