Making Space for Romance with Young Babies at Home

Strangers sometimes ask me when I’m going to have another baby, because strangers ask inappropriate questions like this all the time. I usually laugh at them, because who has time to conceive another baby with 3 young kids at home?

See that picture over there? We’re years away from enjoying that. Two years ago, . . . → Read More: Making Space for Romance with Young Babies at Home

Free Grocery Store Childcare? Sold!

One of my favorite days as a parent so far was July 17, 2012–the day my oldest son turned 3 and, thus, eligible for the free childcare at our grocery store. This happened about a week before my neighbor’s youngest child turned 3. She painted a picture of grocery shopping I still fantasize about: I ran through . . . → Read More: Free Grocery Store Childcare? Sold!

And Every Day They Grow

I feel a little forlorn today. My baby (he’s 16 months old now) didn’t want to nurse today when I picked him up after work. He began clapping his hands at the sight of his brother and they shared a water bottle in the car, ate some chewy protein balls.

How does this . . . → Read More: And Every Day They Grow

Celebrating My Sweetheart

Today is my wedding anniversary. Isn’t that wonderful? I’ve been married since 2007, and because I still don’t get very much sleep I have to keep thinking about how many years that’s been. Fewer than 50, more than 5.

Happy Anniversary, Corey!

We chose Memorial Day weekend for our wedding and, thus, always . . . → Read More: Celebrating My Sweetheart