Tips to Succeed: What I Wish I’d Known

Welcome to The Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival!

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe’s Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today’s post is about breastfeeding myths and . . . → Read More: Tips to Succeed: What I Wish I’d Known

Nursing in Public: Utilize Pack Mentality

Lately, I’ve been talking with a lot of new moms about getting the hang of nursing in public. I remember how challenging that was, when I had my first son. In addition to feeling totally vulnerable about everything in the world, you’re out in public with a crying, hungry baby. In my case, I . . . → Read More: Nursing in Public: Utilize Pack Mentality

Summer Tips For The New Nursing Mom

As a new mom you have a lot on your plate, especially dealing with being new to breastfeeding on top of being a new mom.  Sometimes you may forget that you are still using your body to give to your child, just as you did when you were pregnant.

Here are some tips on . . . → Read More: Summer Tips For The New Nursing Mom

It’s OKAY To Cry – You Just Had A Baby!

Recently a new mom that I follow on Twitter was sharing her feelings of desperation. Now keep in mind her baby is just 3 days old and it was her first night home from the hospital. Of course she was tired, scared, emotional, teary eyed, etc – She JUST had a baby!

All to . . . → Read More: It’s OKAY To Cry – You Just Had A Baby!

Why Short Cat-Naps Are Not Good Enough

If your child’s naps are shorter than an hour and a half in length, you may have wondered if these brief naps provide enough rest for your little one. You might suspect that these catnaps aren’t meeting your child’s sleep needs – and you would be right. The science of sleep explains why a . . . → Read More: Why Short Cat-Naps Are Not Good Enough

Ask Judy

As a mom and advocate of breastfeeding I’m always looking out for great tips and ready to answer questions- So let me just open things up and say


Really it’s okay- no question is ‘stupid’ and I welcome them. I also love to hear some great tips! So please take a moment . . . → Read More: Ask Judy

When Should I Start My Baby On Solids?

Reader Question

I could also use your advice on babies! This one is uncharted territory for me. My daughter is now 10.5 months. She basically hasn’t eaten solids yet. My boys both seemed “hungry” by 5.5 months and smoothly transitioned to solids and nursing. She doesn’t like solids and solids don’t like her (any . . . → Read More: When Should I Start My Baby On Solids?