Journey Back to Fitness: A Year in Review

About a year ago, I had the prophetic dream that led to me training for the half marathon alongside my friend. Since then, I’ve run the half marathon, a 10K, and then a 10-mile race this fall. My husband and I also signed up for a Turkey Trot near where we’ll be for Thanksgiving.

. . . → Read More: Journey Back to Fitness: A Year in Review

Half Marathon Recap: Milk on the Run

If you’ve been following along, I trained for and ran a half marathon last weekend after my friend (and fellow nursing mother) had a prophetic dream that we did it.

Since January, I’ve worked to return to some semblance of my former, very fit self. I shifted my perspective about my workouts and am . . . → Read More: Half Marathon Recap: Milk on the Run

Athletic Training with Two Kiddos

When I last wrote about Jen Ellefson, we discussed her training for an Alaskan marathon (in winter!!) after the birth of her first child. It’s a tough argument to make that there’s something harder than training for a marathon in an Alaskan winter…but continuing a workout regimen with two young children just might take . . . → Read More: Athletic Training with Two Kiddos

Being Green

What do you do to “green” your life? Being “green” isn’t about being perfect. It’s about taking little steps that make a difference in the big picture. If everyone took one step per year to make their lives “greener” – we would all be living in a much better world. As a mom, how . . . → Read More: Being Green

Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Mom

By Maria Rainier

With so much pressure to raise your kids, give them balanced diets and the proper education while being the do-it-all mom, who has time to think about being environmentally friendly? You do! Here are a few easy, quick ideas to contribute to Mother Earth while contributing to the mother-do-it-all list.

. . . → Read More: Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Mom

Healthy and Fun Meals for Kids: Nourishing Now and Learning for Later

By Maria Rainier

Moms, you know it’s important to keep your family healthy. There are many different ways to do this, including exercise, spending time together, and keeping a clean home, but your family also needs to eat healthy food in order for everyone to feel their best. And that means providing healthy food . . . → Read More: Healthy and Fun Meals for Kids: Nourishing Now and Learning for Later

Stop And Smell The Hot Cocoa

In the holiday rush or gift buying, shuffling relatives to and from the airport and perfection anxiety, it’s easy to lose focus and forget about what’s really important. Taking a moment to enjoy the people you love and appreciate the magic of the holidays. The following tips are sure to get your family in . . . → Read More: Stop And Smell The Hot Cocoa