Supplementing Without Nipple Confusion

bookIf you end up needing to supplement with formula and you want to breastfeed – try to do it without giving the baby a bottle.

They have supplemental feeding systems that allow you to give the formula (or breast milk if you have some that you have pumped) through a small tube that hooks up to your nipple. This way you won’t give your baby nipple confusion and it will be easier for him to nurse.

A nipple shield makes using this supplemental feeding system easier as it protects the baby’s mouth from being injured by the supplemental feeding tube.

3 comments to Supplementing Without Nipple Confusion

  • What would be really great is if the supplemental nurser systems weren’t so darned expensive. I have had a few clients that wanted to get one but just couldn’t shell out the money for them. In the long run it is cheaper than formula would be but it’s hard to convince women of that when they are faced with supplementing. You can also try using a dropper or even a cup for supplementing so that you can avoid the bottle altogether.


  • Mommy News

    I never realized how expensive they were until now. I actually used one with my son when he was little, but I got it for free from my pediatrician. I would suggest anyone who needs one ask their pediatrician – chances are they have a sample that they can give you.

  • I’ve never heard of this, but that is awesome! I would love to do this with another baby if I ever need to give her formula. :-) Thanks for the head’s up!

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