Funny Things Toddlers Say And Do

This is my son, when he was about 2.5 or 3. He loves mommy-baby stuffed animals and he had a Tiger that his grandmother had given him. Well, she mailed him a “baby tiger” to go along with the “mommy” that he already had. He took the tigers and held them up so that they could meet:
Mommy & Baby Tiger Meet
Mommy Tiger: “Hello baby”
Baby Tiger: “Hi Mommy”
Mommy Tiger: “Let’s Nurse”

Tigers NursingBaby tiger falls into Mommy Tiger’s Arms and starts to “nurse”

This is just one of the many joys of raising a nursing toddler! Do you have a funny story to share about your nursing toddler? Please leave a comment!

10 comments to Funny Things Toddlers Say And Do

  • The other day my 2 yo pulled up my shirt like she was going to nurse but instead latched her doll onto my breast and told me “baby have milkies.” Too cute.
    .-= Melodie´s last blog ..Monday Musings: Becoming An Attachment Parent =-.

  • stef

    We are weaning at 21 months 6 days and counting. Its a long story why and how, but it was time for both of us and it has been going really well so far! He does still ask, but he is easily distracted at bedtime with books instead of nursing. Its been 7 days since we nursed. I’m doing okkkkkaayyyy. Sort of. The biggest emotional train wreck happened two nights ago:

    My son: Mama, nuk? (word for milk: nuk)
    Me: No, baby. Mama milk is all done.
    My son: WHINE. WHINE. Ooooh look! DUCK! Book mama! Duck book!
    Me: Phew.
    My son: Mama, nuk all done. Bye Bye nuk?
    Me: ummm, yes…mama nuk all done honey, that’s right.
    My son: Bye bye nuk! (WAVING) All done! (taps my chest) All done nuk, bye bye! Mwah Mwah! (blows my booies kisses).

    That was the cutest and saddest thing I have ever lived through. But I’m also very proud of us. I am so glad we were nursing until he so clearly understands what is going on. I think it has only gotten better and easier as time went on!

  • Aw Stef, my heart goes out to you. Weaning is so bittersweet. My son just weaned in July (just shy of his 4th birthday). You can read our weaning story here: It was very bittersweet. One day, nearly a month after he had weaned, he said to me “I wish I could nurse. I want a new mommy who will nurse me.” Boy did that tear my heart out!

    The things they say are so precious! Be proud for all your have done for your son and cherish everything he says – even the ones that tear at your heart. He is a lucky boy indeed! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story. — Judy

  • Ramona (19mo) is really interested in baseball cards. This morning, she cried “NEENEE!” but instead of latching on, she stuck her baseball card on my nipple and giggled.
    .-= Alison Cole´s last blog ..Anecdotal "Perils of Home Births" =-.

  • Carrie

    I’m nursing my 22 mo old son. Yesterday, I breastfed a green and orange truck and a grey SUV.

  • These stories are so very heartwarming, though my heart just aches at the reality that some day these heart wrenchingly sweet yet difficult weaning tales will be all the more familiar. *hugs*
    I love the tigers too.

  • My son weaned at 2.5. I have nursed him, his puppies, his mickey, his books. You name it. He is now 3 yrs and 3 months and still asks sometimes. He still likes to talk about it. One day, just being curious, I asked him if he remembered nursing and he said yes. I asked if he missed it and he said “Yes, numnum yummy!!”. I asked if he understand why we don’t nurse anymore and he said “Numnum all gone, me big boy. Me no little anymore.” So sweet!
    .-= Crystal´s last blog ..A mother’s ability to heal =-.

  • That is so adorable. Our latest is that our 2-year-old tries to nurse from his dolls! Sucky noises and all.

    Today I got him laughing about the idea that our cat once nursed her baby kittens (we adopted her as an adult but know she had had litters beforehand) — he thought this was hilarious and clearly a great joke.
    .-= Lauren @ HoboMama´s last blog ..Best posts of 2009 =-.

  • […] of my other favorite moments include my son nursing his own dolls – or having them nurse each other! I even remember one time when we were shopping in the dollar store and my son had a skeleton that […]

  • Caren

    Some of these stories in the comments are so sad! I just don’t understand how those women could stand it – I would be so sad if my children said such things to me! All three of my children weaned around the natural, biological age of weaning – between 5 and 6, and though there was nostalgic sadness on my part, my children were ready and thus, no sadness on their part.

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