Does Night Nursing Cause Tooth Decay?

We know that until recently, medical students (even pediatricians!) were not studying lactation very regularly. This results in many physicians lacking accurate, evidence-based information about breastfeeding. The same can be true for dentists. 

Many, many mothers are told that night nursing is the same as bottle propping, that night nursing can lead to tooth decay . . . → Read More: Does Night Nursing Cause Tooth Decay?

How to Spend Your Maternity Leave

While pregnant with my first child, I had visions of a decadent maternity leave. The first week, I imagined, I’d probably be a bit sore and tired, so I’d likely sleep a lot and just chill with my family. After that, since babies sleep all the time, I planned to do All. The. Things. . . . → Read More: How to Spend Your Maternity Leave

My Favorite Breastfeeding Side Effect

After my older son was born, my period stayed away for THIRTEEN MONTHS. During this time, I never worried that I was pregnant or ill because I’d been to La Leche League meetings and heard other moms bragging about their 22-month vacations from menses. I (infrequently) remembered and felt thankful to not deal with . . . → Read More: My Favorite Breastfeeding Side Effect