Male Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Did you know that postpartum mood disorders are not just limited to mothers? As we continue discussing postpartum mood disorders (see our previous posts about this subject for more information), we turn our eye toward ways fathers can be affected after the birth of their children.

I first learned about this issue in reading . . . → Read More: Male Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Postpartum Support International: Moms are NOT Alone

In our last post, we met Kirsten Pitini, who was suffering from postpartum anxiety and struggling to find helpful resources in her area. Today, we spoke with Brittany Edge, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who serves as a regional coordinator for Postpartum Support International. Brittany experienced depression and anxiety during both her pregnancies, . . . → Read More: Postpartum Support International: Moms are NOT Alone