Would You Like to See Breastfeeding on a Postage Stamp?

We’ve got stamps commemorating all sorts of things, from Mark Twain to Mother Theresa to the Lone Ranger. Postage stamps are a pretty public item–what a great tool to raise awareness of breastfeeding! Lots of other countries have stamps.

Check out this one from Uganda:

Uganda had a postage stamp commemorating breastfeeding in 1985! That’s almost 30 years ago…

This one from Algeria is beautiful:

breastfeeding postage stamp

There’s even a breastfeeding stamp from Afghanistan:

postage stamp featuring breastfeeding

We think it’s time the United States had a stamp, too! There’s a petition to develop and issue a stamp that “depict[s], promote[s], and normalize[s] breastfeeding.” They are shooting for 25,000 signatures, but right now have about 2,000. So why not add your name to the list? You have until February 11 to sign and spread the word.

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