Medication and Mothers Milk: You Can Probably Take It

One of the more unfortunate themes we hear regularly is the tale of the PCP, dentist, psychologist, or even pediatrician telling a breastfeeding mother she must wean in order to take a necessary medication.

Mother after mother tells us she was told to pump and dump for 24 hours following minor surgery, told to . . . → Read More: Medication and Mothers Milk: You Can Probably Take It

Weaning from Pumping When You’ve Met Your Milestone

Monday was the last day I plan to ever use my breastpump. I remember my final pumping session vividly: we were moving into our new house, and I crouched on the floor in my dining room, hiding from the movers. Of course, it didn’t work and I still got caught. Oh well!

My mother . . . → Read More: Weaning from Pumping When You’ve Met Your Milestone

Weaning Considerations

A friend recently told me about the sadness she was feeling as her toddler slowly but surely began weaning himself. It started when she replaced her pumped milk with cow’s milk during the work day, and continued as kiddo not only asked for the breast less and less at home, but also began to . . . → Read More: Weaning Considerations

Camp Grandma Underway!

Well, I did it. I left my children with my parents and drove away back home to Pittsburgh. I almost backed out and brought my Felix back with me–when I got up in the morning he ran over and asked me to cuddle him and I just melted into a pile of mush.

. . . → Read More: Camp Grandma Underway!

Nursing Through Pregnancy: One Day at a Time

Last week I casually mentioned that we are expecting our third child. Surprise! We had intended to wait until Felix weaned to get pregnant again, but…surprise!

Could this be me in a few months? Image source 

So here I am nursing through pregnancy again. The first time I did this, I found nursing . . . → Read More: Nursing Through Pregnancy: One Day at a Time

How I Came to Nurse My Toddler

When I was pregnant with my first child, I decided I was going to nurse him. It seemed like the obvious choice. My body was going to make this lovely milk for my own species, this perfectly designed food for my baby. Of course I’d nurse him! For one year.

Because you’re only “supposed” . . . → Read More: How I Came to Nurse My Toddler

Old Enough to Ask for It

It’s happened. My young baby is a toddler, with budding verbal language. He’s reached the stage where his nursing elicits comments about his being too old to nurse. You’ve heard them all before, I’m sure.  When he’s old enough to ask for it, he’s too old to nurse. He should be drinking cow’s milk. I . . . → Read More: Old Enough to Ask for It