Parenting Curriculum?

By Tracy Liebmann

A curriculum relies on specific goals and objectives that should be achieved within a certain time line. When it comes to parenting I find the results of this stilted and mundane. Our children are not products; they are autonomous beings who need to be in connection with their parents. . . . → Read More: Parenting Curriculum?

All I Needed to Learn I Learned from My Children

By Tracy Liebmann

Life: It’s about the journey not the destination, oh what a journey! I feel like I have had a few different lives already. My childhood which was dysfunctional, my college years which were wild, my twenties which were both professional and academic, my thirties wow my thirties…I think I’ll . . . → Read More: All I Needed to Learn I Learned from My Children

Our Beliefs, Our Behavior

By Tracy Liebmann

Belief is usually defined as a conviction of the truth of a proposition without its verification; therefore a belief is a subjective mental interpretation derived from perceptions, contemplation or communication. What we believe is basically who we are. It drives just about everything we do, but what are these . . . → Read More: Our Beliefs, Our Behavior

Manifesting Our Family Vision

By Tracy Liebmann How do we go about manifesting our family’s dreams? The process will look different for every family since we are all autonomous beings, so the ideas I talk about in this article are not directives, I just enjoy sharing what goes on inside my head. I have found that it . . . → Read More: Manifesting Our Family Vision

A Meditative Practice: Daily Life

By Tracy Liebmann I have been considering the whole idea of meditation and how many times I have heard, “I can get about two minutes alone per day, if I’m lucky.” Meditation to a mom is like having a quiet moment in the bathroom. I know the feeling, it’s challenging trying to have . . . → Read More: A Meditative Practice: Daily Life

Growing Up Human

By Tracy Liebmann

Lately, my son and I have just been devouring the Growing Up series on Animal Planet! It is a series of shows about different animals that were usually injured or orphaned, and how they are taken care of. Whenever we watch a primate such as a baboon, monkey or . . . → Read More: Growing Up Human

Family Harmony – For A Healthy Body, Mind And Spirit

By Tracy Liebmann I believe the simple principles of family harmony are three fold, when you look at your family you must look at three key elements, body, mind, and spirit. A healthy family is like a healthy body, the system works together, almost effortlessly. The brain is functioning, the heart pumps, the . . . → Read More: Family Harmony – For A Healthy Body, Mind And Spirit