Why is the APP Endorsing Formula Bags at Hospitals?

Recently, Women’s eNews revealed that the American Academy of Pediatrics logo is featured both inside and outside formula bags hospitals are giving for free to new mothers. According to the article (and happily, I can’t verify in person because my local hospital stopped giving out formula bags over a year ago!), the bags feature . . . → Read More: Why is the APP Endorsing Formula Bags at Hospitals?

Breastfeeding Advice From Formula Companies

I took my son to his pediatrician the other day. While waiting for the doctor to see us, I noticed some pamphlets in the waiting room, so I browsed through them. I was horrified to find a pamphlet from Gerber/Nestle on infant nutrition that offered breastfeeding advice (via their breastfeeding helpline) to new moms. . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding Advice From Formula Companies