Common Root Causes of Supply Concerns

Lots of breastfeeding mothers have concerns about their milk supply, especially if they don’t have

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close friends and family members who breastfed to set an example or offer support. If you have a genuine concern that your baby is not getting enough to eat, you should definitely schedule an appointment with . . . → Read More: Common Root Causes of Supply Concerns

“Keeping Up”: Some Facts About Bottle-feeding the Breastfed Baby

I got very involved with a facebook discussion from a stressed out mom whose caregiver has been telling her, daily, she’s not sending enough milk for her exclusively breastfed baby. This issue hits very close to home, because caregivers for my first son often said the same thing. I allowed them to let me . . . → Read More: “Keeping Up”: Some Facts About Bottle-feeding the Breastfed Baby