Breast Milk Satisfies…

HUGE thanks go out to Elita from the Blacktating blog for finding this one!! And extra BIG kudos go out to OHIO for making such a fantastic pro-breastfeeding campaign – check it out!

If you are in Ohio, please let us know if you have seen this bill board! We think it’s fantastic!! . . . → Read More: Breast Milk Satisfies…

Earth Mama Angel Baby – Bring On The Comfort!

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to test out the Breastfeeding Support Kit by Earth Mama Angel Baby®. As many of you know I’m coming to the end of my breastfeeding days with my son, so I asked a local mom with a little one to try out the products and let me know . . . → Read More: Earth Mama Angel Baby – Bring On The Comfort!

Breastfeeding with Hypothyroidism- A Surprise Diagnosis

Kayris Wall is a mother to two living in Baltimore City, Maryland and when she was just 23 years old she was diagnosed with a “middle-aged woman’s disease.” Being pregnant with a thyroid condition is difficult enough with it’s own trials and obstacles to overcome. Once you deliver your healthy bundle of joy the . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding with Hypothyroidism- A Surprise Diagnosis

Breastfeeding- It’s Worth A Try!

I believe every woman should at least consider breastfeeding their babies. Lets be honest- breastfeeding is tough at first! It can be painful and frustrating but it won’t last long. Soon you and your baby will be pros! Stick with it and reap all of the many benefits. Breastfeeding is good for you, your . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding- It’s Worth A Try!

My Baby Isn’t Eating The Same Could It Be Weaning?

Reader Question: Hello. I am hoping you will be able to help me out. My son is 11 months old and I just started my womanly cycle 2 days ago. I noticed that he is eating but not quite as he use to. Is it true that when you start your cycles back up . . . → Read More: My Baby Isn’t Eating The Same Could It Be Weaning?

When Should I Start My Baby On Solids?

Reader Question

I could also use your advice on babies! This one is uncharted territory for me. My daughter is now 10.5 months. She basically hasn’t eaten solids yet. My boys both seemed “hungry” by 5.5 months and smoothly transitioned to solids and nursing. She doesn’t like solids and solids don’t like her (any . . . → Read More: When Should I Start My Baby On Solids?

How To Care For Expressed Milk

You will definitely want to freeze some of your milk away for future use. Always freeze in bags, not bottles. If you freeze in a bottle there is a much higher likelihood that the milk will get freezer burned. Milk frozen in bags can be stored for 6-12 months in a good freezer.

You . . . → Read More: How To Care For Expressed Milk