Extended Breastfeeding Linked to Reduced Diabetes Risk

Last week, the American Diabetes Association released some new findings stating that “intensive and extended breastfeeding lowered a woman’s risk for developing type 2 diabetes after pregnancy in which she had gestational diabetes.”

There’s so much to unpack in those findings! My first questions were: what defines intensive breastfeeding? What defines extended breastfeeding?

In this research, intensive . . . → Read More: Extended Breastfeeding Linked to Reduced Diabetes Risk

Breastfeeding In Public On the Today Show

On Thursday, the Today show ran a segment billed to be about breastfeeding in public. I was curious to see the show because I think the talk shows did a really respectful job addressing Alicia Silverstone’s milk bank a few months ago.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding In Public On the Today Show

Support For Breastfeeding Is On The Rise

This week has been a powerful time in the breastfeeding support world! Two major events happened which I am hoping and praying will have a domino effect around the country and around the world!

First, The State of Rhode Island became the first US State to announce that it was BANNING free formula giveaways . . . → Read More: Support For Breastfeeding Is On The Rise

World Breastfeeding Week Gift – The Affordable Care Act

I woke up this morning to the best news! You may have heard already, but it was announced a few days ago that the Affordable Care Act is now a reality! The Affordable Care Act ensures that women’s care visits are covered by insurance – without copay. This includes well-women visits, domestic violence screening . . . → Read More: World Breastfeeding Week Gift – The Affordable Care Act

What’s A Girl To Do?

I have been up thinking about this post since last night when I received the email announcement about Bravado and Medela- and I have been working on writing it all day today. I’m not sure what I have written is even relevant to anyone besides me…but I need to get it out – so . . . → Read More: What’s A Girl To Do?

Is It Vegan To Breastfeed?

A friend of mine pointed me to an article on Cafe Mom that discusses moms who won’t breastfeed because they are Vegan. Now the definition of a Vegan means that they don’t consume any animal products or products derived from animals. Most people are vegan for humanitarian reasons as eating animals or products derived . . . → Read More: Is It Vegan To Breastfeed?

Breaking News: IRS Allows Breastpumps As Medical Expense

Today’s news has got to to be the best we have had in a long time. When the IRS first launched it’s list of expenses that were reimbursable under health care flexible spending accounts, breastpumps were excluded because they lumped them into the category of “nutrition” and just like they don’t reimburse for food, . . . → Read More: Breaking News: IRS Allows Breastpumps As Medical Expense