Writing Your Birth Story to Find Healing from a Challenging Experience

The goal of this post is to give some pointers for mothers looking to process your birth experience through writing. Maybe, like me, you had challenging birth experiences. Maybe, like me, instead of feeling euphoric after birth, you felt a host of darker emotions.

I work as a writer, and so I write stories . . . → Read More: Writing Your Birth Story to Find Healing from a Challenging Experience

Introducing Oren

I shared earlier that I was attempting a vaginal birth after 2 cesareans. I gathered up a super-supportive birth team who all knew what I wanted, that I had educated myself and weighed my options carefully and felt natural birth was the best choice for my baby and my body.

Prenatally, I exercised when . . . → Read More: Introducing Oren

After 60 Hours of Labor – The Result Is VBAC!!

By Karalee Lester

2 years ago, my epic labor to deliver our Gus began…

After waking up around 7:00 AM and being sure my water had sprung a slow leak, I called our midwifery clinic and was assured I was just in very early labor and all was well. I had an appointment scheduled . . . → Read More: After 60 Hours of Labor – The Result Is VBAC!!

A Tale Of Two Births

By Jaimie Leader-Goodale

Picture if you will… 2 different scenarios.

Mom A, carried her child to term.  However because of Gestational Diabetes, she was induced right at 40 weeks.  The induction did not go too well; 17 hours on pitocin, with intense back labor.  She had internal monitors (baby wouldn’t stay still) so she was . . . → Read More: A Tale Of Two Births