Breastfeeding Without Birthing: Exclusive Pumping

Angela Soo Hoo gave birth to her eldest sons, Nicolas (11) and Landon (7), and breastfed them without issue. She and her husband, Luke, planned to adopt a third child. For Angela, breastfeeding is beyond the “best” choice for a baby–she feels very passionately that breastmilk is the optimal food for babies. Since she . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding Without Birthing: Exclusive Pumping

Breastfeeding Without Birthing: Latching An Adopted Newborn

When Pittsburgher Danielle Edwards found out she would be unable to have children biologically, she says she felt totally fine with the idea of adoption. What made her upset was the idea of losing out on the opportunity to breastfeed.

“Breastfeeding was always something I imagined myself doing,” she says, “It was just part of . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding Without Birthing: Latching An Adopted Newborn