Solace In A Shower

As a mom, it is difficult to get a moment to yourself. And as a mom who runs a business, it is especially difficult because even during times that my son is sleeping or playing quietly, I am always working on my business – so getting a moment to myself is nearly impossible these days.

fresh showerThis is how I have found solace in taking a shower. I thought I would share it with you. I have child-proof handles on my doors, so when I go up to take my shower, I know that my son is safe – wherever he is playing. I turn on the hot water and let my mind go blank and enjoy the warm water spraying on my body – washing away all of my stress and taking me to a world that has one moment just for me. The sound of the water is very peaceful and comforting and the warmth travels throughout my entire being. I find there are days when I stay in the comfort of the shower for a long time. And I have to force myself back to reality and the day-to-day activities of my home and my business. Often this reality check comes in the form of a 4-year old who has gotten tired of playing by himself!

We each find a way to find solace in our day – please leave a comment and share your ways for relaxing and taking time for yourself.

5 comments to Solace In A Shower

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Judy Masucci, Judy Masucci. Judy Masucci said: As a #mom – where do you find solace? […]

  • Sarah

    I’d actually agree with you on the shower, its the only room allowed to be locked and my husband and I totally take advantage of a few moments to wash your face and recover.

    My strange silence and solitude came unexpectedly when my husband and I began carpooling. It happens to be around one of my sons “quiet times.” Fortunately, he often falls asleep and I drive home in a silent zombie like state. I face the car at the trees and sunlight in our parking lot and daydream, read emails, tweet, pray, read e books or do bills. It has been an unexpected blessing for my son who needs the sleep and for me who needs to sanity.

  • Amy

    In my car! It feels like limbo space – the time in between family/kid time and work time. Even when the kids are with me, they are great in the car, especially if there’s a song on. Sometimes I’m driving along and I’m humming to the music and I feel like I’m alone and my mind is not swirling about what comes next or what creative way I can get my daughter dressed in clothing appropriate for winter…

  • I am with the other comments, my space is the car. I work about 45 minutes from home, so it is a relaxing time for me usually.
    .-= Crystal´s last blog ..The Best for Babes Campaign Codes =-.

  • I get my quiet time early in the morning before my kids get up. Sometimes it’s hard to drag myself out of bed, but spending 30 minutes reading my morning meditation books, praying, and writing in a quiet house makes for a much smoother day for all of us.

    And the reality is that I don’t do this every day (although on days I don’t, I usually wish I had!)

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