Nipple Shields Helping Mother And Baby

Nipple Shields can be a life saver for some moms!

Nipple Shields can be a life saver for some moms!

If you are having trouble getting your new baby to latch on, ask for a nipple shield.  However, keep in mind that you should only use the nipple shield as a last resort.  Sometimes it can be difficult to get the baby off of it once you start using it.

When in need, however, a nipple shield can be a life saver! It was for my son and I. My son was born via emergency c-section after 26 hours of labor. He was in distress and had to be suctioned at birth. Due to the traumatic birth experience, he had a very difficult time latching on. Using the nipple shield enabled me to better stimulate his suck reflex and he latched right on and nursed great. At about 3 or 4 weeks of age, I gradually weaned my son off the shield and back onto the breast. This can be a very difficult thing to do. For us, it often seemed like it was a battle of wills – and he usually won!

Don’t worry – if you don’t want to go through the difficult job of forcing your baby to stop using the nipple shield, it’s OK. Most babies will self-wean from the shield and start nursing directly on your breast sometime between age 3 and 6 months. For us, the use of the nipple shield saved our breastfeeding relationship. It definitely isn’t for everyone – but when needed, it can be a true lifesaver!

A nipple shield may also help bottle-fed babies return to breastfeeding.
Nipple shields can also help cushion sore or sensitive nipples.

5 comments to Nipple Shields Helping Mother And Baby

  • Joy

    I had to use a shield with my first one. He had tongue issues but we worked through them, weaned him off the shield and he nursed til he was 2 1/2! The shield enabled me to get nursing and keep nursing.

  • Christin

    I’m a first time mom and was determined to breastfeed due to the tremendous health benefits. I met with a lactation specialist in the hospital…I was very well informed on how to latch on and everything but still had BIG problems. I had to start the nipple shields while I was still in the hospital. Not only were my nipples very sensitive I guess but my daughter was a little Parana! The lactation nurses would even laugh at the little “war cry”, as I called it, that she would belt out before attacking my breast! lol It was funny yet painful. By the end of our first day in the hospital my nipples were raw, cracked and bleeding! I didn’t think I was going to be able to nurse if it was this bad by day 2! I never heard of nipple shields but let me tell you, they REALLY saved us! I continued using them for the next few weeks…followed up with a lactation specialist outside the hospital and then little by little let her nurse without them until my breasts were tough enough to endure it unprotected. She really had no problem with the switch back and forth…as long as she got milk! I TOTALLY recommend them to anyone having issues…just make sure you put them on correctly or your baby will get air and nurse ineffectively. Also follow up with a lactation specialist because they really help make the whole breastfeeding process much more bearable and even enjoyable. We all need that extra support in the beginning. They’re like educated breastfeeding cheerleaders…lol..just as you’re about to give up they’re there to remind you why you shouldn’t. My sweetie just turned 4 months today and we’re still going strong! :)

  • Mandy

    I loved my nipple shield but I think it caused some nipple confusion. I ended up just pumping and giving him the milk in a bottle since we would no longer latch on correctly.

  • […] to using a nipple shield (read these two posts for more info: Does My Son Have Nipple Confusion and Nipple Shields Helping Mother And Baby). The shield will feel more like a bottle, but he will be getting breastmilk. 4) Milk comes out of […]

  • […] be given a pacifier, he came back with a pacifier in his mouth. Finally one of the nurses gave me a nipple shield and I was able to get him latched on. At the time, I thought this was our “saving […]

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