Nursing Through Pregnancy: One Day at a Time

Last week I casually mentioned that we are expecting our third child. Surprise! We had intended to wait until Felix weaned to get pregnant again, but…surprise!

Could this be me in a few months? Image source 

So here I am nursing through pregnancy again. The first time I did this, I found nursing . . . → Read More: Nursing Through Pregnancy: One Day at a Time

Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Before I had kids, when I knew nothing at all about anything BUT  thought I knew a lot of things about everything, I believed the common myth that it was not possible to breastfeed while pregnant. This went along with the general American public’s opinions about weaning at the stroke of midnight on a . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Tips For Making Morning Sickness Disappear

By Linda Albert

Being pregnant is one of the most beautiful periods of the life of any woman, but still there are some side effects that you have to deal with. There are the heartburns, frequent urination, constipation, bloating, and we shouldn’t forget about morning sickness either (not that we could). So, how to . . . → Read More: Tips For Making Morning Sickness Disappear

Working Pregnant Mama Tips

By Heather Lopez

Being that I worked through both of my pregnancies and my main business focuses on new moms and mommies to be, I felt it would be appropriate for me offer up some tips for managing your pregnancy and your job.

Tip #1: Wear comfortable, flat shoes

Sometimes when us women go . . . → Read More: Working Pregnant Mama Tips