Duct Work: Unplugging a Block

I spent most of last weekend texting pictures of my side-boob to my friends. Is this a plugged duct or an insect bite? 

Thankfully, I have friends who support me through these sorts of messages. I recently became accredited as a peer breastfeeding counselor through Breastfeeding USA, which might explain why I have so many friends willing . . . → Read More: Duct Work: Unplugging a Block

Do I Really Need a Nipple Shield?

Lately, it seems like postpartum nurses are handing out nipple shields like candy. Many, many new mothers are told they have flat nipples and need to use a nipple shield as a bridge to facilitate a proper latch. And this may be true! But many times, the shields are distributed without enough additional information . . . → Read More: Do I Really Need a Nipple Shield?

Weaning from Pumping When You’ve Met Your Milestone

Monday was the last day I plan to ever use my breastpump. I remember my final pumping session vividly: we were moving into our new house, and I crouched on the floor in my dining room, hiding from the movers. Of course, it didn’t work and I still got caught. Oh well!

My mother . . . → Read More: Weaning from Pumping When You’ve Met Your Milestone

The Incredible Leaking Lefty

My baby is just about a year old and I’m STILL LEAKING. What gives?

Part of me feels excited to be leaking, because booby traps led me to a supply issue with my first son. Just having milk to spare feels delightful, even if it’s leaving circular stains on all my shirts. 

But most . . . → Read More: The Incredible Leaking Lefty

Setting Limits for Toddler Nursing

I come before you as a woman doing something I never thought I’d do: I’m nursing my 3-year-old…and my baby. But the 3-year-old! It’s so different nursing a great, big child. It’s often frustrating, but still rewarding enough that I haven’t felt it necessary to wean him.

What I have done is set limits . . . → Read More: Setting Limits for Toddler Nursing

Things I Did This Week While Also Nursing

Assembled a spaceship out of Lego bricks Assembled a vampire castle out of Lego bricks Tied (with one hand) the strings of a babydoll’s pajama pants Made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Discussed mold remediation with a contractor Made eye contact with one of my former college students, whom I was paying to . . . → Read More: Things I Did This Week While Also Nursing

Obstacles to Pumping at Work and Tips to Overcome Them

If you live in the United States, then you most likely do not have paid parental leave from work. Unfortunately, most working moms need to head back to the office just when they’ve established nursing. Pumping can be a real challenge, but hopefully these tips can help you overcome some obstacles!

Not Enough Time . . . → Read More: Obstacles to Pumping at Work and Tips to Overcome Them