Breastfeeding And Academic Success

A new study published in the January 2011 issue of Pediatrics found that children who are mainly breastfed for the at least the first six months (or longer) score considerably higher academically at 10 years of age, especially boys.

The study, “Breastfeeding Duration and Academic Achievement at 10 Years,” followed 2,868 children born in Australia. They were signed up for the study at 18 weeks gestation and followed throughout their childhood. After adjusting for gender, family income, and how often the child was read to, academic data was collected for 1,038 eligible children at 10 years of age.

All children who were breastfed for at least 6 months were found to have academic achievements higher than their counterparts (breastfed less than six months or not breastfed at all), but boys in particular were found to have even more improvements to their academic scores in math, reading and spelling.

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2 comments to Breastfeeding And Academic Success

  • I would like to read this study in its entirety. As a breastfeeding Mother to a one-year young son, I am very interested in the results shared here. Thank you for bringing this study to my attention :-)

  • Hi Sara, let me know if you are able to get a copy of the original study. I’m sure if you have access to a medical library you can get one. I tried to get it online, but it requires a subcription. I too, would love to read the whole thing. — Judy

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