Jewel’s Breastfeeding Journey

By Tiffany Holley

Jewel and I got off to a rough start with our breastfeeding relationship.

Her birth was difficult, and we ended up with not quite the totally natural birth I had hoped for. Thankfully, she and I were both healthy, and able to leave the hospital immediately.

I had been given IV . . . → Read More: Jewel’s Breastfeeding Journey

Breastfeeding And The Medical Profession, Part Two

By Tiffany Holley

Let me start by briefly reiterating what I explained in my previous post of medical escapades:

I appreciate my doctors. I appreciate the medical system that got me through a variety of health issues. They know a lot about what they were trained in…

…But they do not necessarily know . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding And The Medical Profession, Part Two

Breastfeeding And The Medical Profession – One Mom’s Story

By Tiffany Holley

I appreciate my doctors. I appreciate the medical system that got me through a variety of health issues. They know a lot about what they were trained in…

…But they do not necessarily know anything about breastfeeding.

It makes me so sad to think of all the babies that . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding And The Medical Profession – One Mom’s Story

One Mom’s Breastfeeding Story

By Tiffany Holley

I’ve got a lot of years of nursing under my belt, er, bra… And three very different experiences.

Mom nursed my sister and I, so formula was just not something I ever considered. She went with me to my first La Leche League meeting when I was pregnant with my first.

. . . → Read More: One Mom’s Breastfeeding Story