Pumping in Public: Harassment at the Theater

I’m pretty good at advocating for myself as a breastfeeding mother. I have a lot of years of experience at this, I know my rights, and I’m very resourceful. However, something happened to me this weekend that had me shaking, in tears.

My husband and I had a rare date night–tickets to a film . . . → Read More: Pumping in Public: Harassment at the Theater

Breastfeeding In Public On the Today Show

On Thursday, the Today show ran a segment billed to be about breastfeeding in public. I was curious to see the show because I think the talk shows did a really respectful job addressing Alicia Silverstone’s milk bank a few months ago.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking . . . → Read More: Breastfeeding In Public On the Today Show

Nursing Moms: Still Getting Harassed

In all but 3 U.S. states, women are protected by a law allowing us to feed our babies anyplace we are legally allowed to be. And yet, nursing mothers are harassed Every. Single. Day. for trying to feed their hungry babies. And these are just the cases that make the news! For every mother . . . → Read More: Nursing Moms: Still Getting Harassed