Things I Did This Week While Also Nursing

Assembled a spaceship out of Lego bricks Assembled a vampire castle out of Lego bricks Tied (with one hand) the strings of a babydoll’s pajama pants Made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Discussed mold remediation with a contractor Made eye contact with one of my former college students, whom I was paying to . . . → Read More: Things I Did This Week While Also Nursing

Obstacles to Pumping at Work and Tips to Overcome Them

If you live in the United States, then you most likely do not have paid parental leave from work. Unfortunately, most working moms need to head back to the office just when they’ve established nursing. Pumping can be a real challenge, but hopefully these tips can help you overcome some obstacles!

Not Enough Time . . . → Read More: Obstacles to Pumping at Work and Tips to Overcome Them

Pumping in Public…With an Audience

The past week has been really crazy for my family. My husband was unexpectedly hospitalized (with Lyme Carditis, which means he has Lyme disease and the bacterial infection has spread to his heart). They expect him to make a full recovery after a lengthy and aggressive treatment of IV antibiotics. 

Anyway, this meant I . . . → Read More: Pumping in Public…With an Audience

The Final Countdown: Stopping Pumping at One Year

My last-ever baby is 10.5 months old. When he turns one, I will stop pumping my milk for him while I’m working. I have no intention of weaning him, but boy! I’m excited to never pump again. Has anyone ever sat down to a breast pump and thought, wow! Isn’t this great? No. 

I only . . . → Read More: The Final Countdown: Stopping Pumping at One Year

Milk Myths Busted!

Breastfeeding moms have information flying at us from all directions, and it’s hard to separate evidence-based information from anecdotal evidence, especially when people we care about seem to speak the loudest. We know that sometimes, things work for individual people, but this does not mean a habit or practice will work for the larger community. Here, we . . . → Read More: Milk Myths Busted!

New Life for Old Breast Pumps

My baby is about 10 months old, which means I’m about 2 months away from being done pumping my breastmilk. I look forward to this phase of life with great anticipation, because pumping sucks. It just does. I’ll plan to nurse my baby until he’s ready to stop, I just won’t pump for him . . . → Read More: New Life for Old Breast Pumps

Cup Feeding: An Alternative to the Bottle

“My baby won’t take a bottle!” How many of us have had this experience, where we prepare to return to work and our nursing babe just won’t accept an artificial nipple? It’s frustrating. It makes working feel impossible, with preoccupied thoughts of a starving infant at home. 

Thankfully, there are alternative feeding methods that . . . → Read More: Cup Feeding: An Alternative to the Bottle